Video: Die Winkekonkuranse mit der Nordkapp

So langsam bin ich mit der Aufarbeitung der Reise fertig: Alle Bilder sind hochgeladen, und mein Vimeo-Kanal hat jetzt auch wieder Platz für das letzte Video: Das Treffen mit der Nordkapp vor Berlevåg.

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Hat Spaß gemacht, auch wenn wir die eindeutigen Sieger der Winkekonkuranse (wie auch immer das korrekt geschrieben wird) waren:-)

2 thoughts on “Video: Die Winkekonkuranse mit der Nordkapp

  1. Those meetings in front of Berlevåg are always nice moments, so when I see a short movie like this one, it always makes me remember my previous trips. Only, on the evening of the 25th of December last year, when I was on board of the southbound MS Finnmarken, something special happened. We had no passengers an/of freight for/from Berlevåg and the MS Polarlys was inside the harbor. Our captain decided (probably for the occasion of Christmas) to enter the harbor before the Polarlys undocked. When the Polarlys finally undocked both ships made some kind of 360 degree dance around each other IN the harbor, whilst largely using their horns, just to leave the harbour inmediately afterwards. We, the MS Finnmarken, only entered but never docked at Berlevåg. Just imagine the inhabitants of that small village to see and hear both ships there on the same moment, doing a dance in an area that small. I’ve never experienced that fun before. If you’d like to see it, just send an email so I can send you the pictures

    • Hi!

      I always wonder if the people in Berlevåg are already fed up with the ship’s typhoons late in the evening:-) Yes, I’d like to see the pictures – I’ll send you an email.


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